Quality Back-Links From HubPages
Quality back-links – affiliate mark eters need them, bloggers need them, websites need them, anybody that puts content on the net’ that they want people to read or visit needs them, but where do you get them? Hubpages is a good place to start.
Simple question … complex answer. But here’s a key – quality is better than quantity. In the “early days” of search engines, quantity was king, the more back-links you had the more rank the search engines gave you, but the mark et has matured and the search engines have gotten smarter. Now search engines like Google place more importance on the quality of your back-links than the quantity. A back-link from a site with a 6 or 7 pagerank is worth a lot more than a dozen links from unranked pages, and Hubpages is a PR6 site. Google Search loves Hubpages content, fast index, good link weight.
What is Hubpages.com
Hubpages is a free publishing platform, where writer’s can publish just about any kind of content they want, (within reason, there are some obvious restrictions), whether it’s a poem or short story, or a how-to or product review. But it is a community site with member-based usage and guidance that promotes original content and penalizes spamming and over-promotional stuff, so it’s not the place for “landing pages.”
Your content on Hubpages is called a “Hub”, and it can be as simple as straight text, or as complete as a mini-webpage with pics, graphic, polls, etc. etc. There are some links to sample hubs at the end of this post that show the variety of styles available to you, but let’s move on to why Hubpages will work for you.
Just a short note: besides getting affiliate mark eting back-links, you can also monetize your writings with: Google Adsense, Amazon and ebay affiliate sales, and Kontera text-link advertising.
How to build quality back-links on Hubpages
To use Hubpages, you write something about what you want to link to, or about something related to what you want to link to. Let’s say you have an affiliate relationship with an SEO program eBook, we will just call it SEO Tips. You can’t just make a landing-page for SEO Tips on Hubpages. And you can only put two links to an SEO Tips landing-page somewhere else, but you can put those two links, plus a couple more to pages related to SEO Tips.
The key to success on Hubpages is adding content that provides value to the reader. You probably know from experience that if you land on a hype-page, even if it’s not as obvious as a landing-page, you will pretty quickly click away. But, if the “hype-page” provides you with some value, whether it is information, or further links, you will probably stick around long enough to finish the read. So what you want in your content, is value to the reader.
So perhaps your content is about the importance of SEO, with some basic instructions. Your content could include a link to your SEO Tips landing page, and it can also include a link to another blog or article about SEO Tips that also includes a link to the original landing-page for SEO Tips. Sort of a round-about way to get another link to the landing page. Then you can also include a links module that allows you to include a list of links in your content. This is where you can put your second direct link to the SEO Tips landing-page, plus links to other related sites/articles/posts, that would themselves include links to the SEO Tips landing page.
And there you have created multiple back-links to your landing-page, and multiple related sites.
Step by Step Instructions to build affiliate mark eting back-links
By the steps, here’s the process:
- Sign-up for a Hubpages account
- Determine what link(s) you want to promote
- Use a keyword program, (like Google’s Keyword Tool), to find the keywords you want to use in your content.
- Use the Hubpages search box to look for “Hubs” with your intended keywords. This will tell you: if your keywords are already saturated on Hubpages, and it will show you some examples of hubs that others have created for your keywords, which can also give you ideas for your layout.
- Determine how you will present your content: straight product review, content article related to product, or content article related to product category
- Plan the content and flow of your article: points you want to make, links you want to use, and a conclusion with a summation and call to action.
- Create and publish your content Hub.
- Remember it is vital to the success of your hub, and thereby the strength of your back-link, that your content provides value along with your links. Keyword and link-stuffed content won’t be successful and could even be penalized as overly-promotional.
- Content should be a minimum of 400+ words, and at least include a picture or two.
- You will need to promote your Hub just like you are promoting your other activities. The more traffic your Hub gets, the more value your back-link has.
Tips for creating quality strong affiliate mark eting back-links:
- You should finish your content with a “Comment” module, this allows readers to add input, which refreshes your content for the search engines.
- After the Comment module, add an RSS news feed module for your content topic, this will guarantee that your Hub will always look freshly updated when the search engines crawl it again, and since it’s at the bottom it probably won’t distract your readers from your links.
- After the RSS feed module add another links module with 8-10 links related to your topic. Just do a Google search and put in some of the results. This will give you additional link-weight by adding related content and keywords, but because it is in a links module, AND at the very bottom where no one but the search engines will probably see it, it will not distract your readers from the links in your article that you DO want them to see and click on. BUT – THE LINKS MUST BE RELEVENT TO YOUR TOPIC. Sorry about shouting but that’s an important point.
Ok, here are those links I promised to some sample Hubs I created:
Sample Hubpages articles
This is an information Hub that includes links to:
- Product Landing-page
- Product category Blog that has links to landing-page
- more information articles that also include 1 & 2 above, creating a circle of self-referring links
This is a straight product review Hub, of the service being promoted. It includes links to the product landing-page and my profile.
This is an example of using a physical product review using an Amazon Affiliate relationship. This Hub provides links to sales of the product through Amazon, and links to related affiliate hubs, and my content profile.
Good Luck with your affiliate mark eting efforts. See you on HubPages, check out
Related Posts: Publishing - HubPages
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