Monday, December 21, 2009

Quality Back-Links From HubPages


Quality Back-Links From HubPages

Quality back-links – affiliate marketers need them, bloggers need them, websites need them, anybody that puts content on the net’ that they want people to read or visit needs them, but where do you get them? Hubpages is a good place to start.

Simple question … complex answer. But here’s a key – quality is better than quantity. In the “early days” of search engines, quantity was king, the more back-links you had the more rank the search engines gave you, but the market has matured and the search engines have gotten smarter. Now search engines like Google place more importance on the quality of your back-links than the quantity. A back-link from a site with a 6 or 7 pagerank is worth a lot more than a dozen links from unranked pages, and Hubpages is a PR6 site. Google Search loves Hubpages content, fast index, good link weight.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Get a Free Google Back-link to Your Web Site(s) or Blogs

Get a Free Google Back-link to Your Web Site(s) or Blogs

 Just a short post to let you know you can get a free back-link to your site(s) or blogs directly from Google. A Google feature called 'Google Profiles' allows you to create a profile for yourself. This is just like profiles you would create elsewhere, but it also allows you to place your links in both your profile Bio, and in a links list that shows at the top of your profile page. Don't let this freebie slip by you.

Make Money Online With Bidvertiser - An Adsense Alternative

Make Money Online With Bidvertiser - An Adsense Alternative

Are you an Adsense affiliate that has been dropped by Adsense? Forget about getting your affiliate account back. Once Adsense drops an account it's almost impossible to get reinstated. Hell, it's almost impossible just to get a contact response from them. And since Adsense tightened their rules for acceptance, and changed their pay-out program, there are a lot of unhappy people. Both affiliates and publishers. But there are alternatives to Adsense ...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hubpages - Content publishing for affiliate marketers

Hubpages - Content publishing for affiliate marketers

As an affiliate marketer trying to make money online from your home-based business, one of the toughest jobs for new affiliate marketers is finding ways to promote their products. Whether it is a landing page product, like a web hosting plan, a physical product referral, like an Amazon affiliate link, or identity promotion, like your affiliate marketing web site, finding places to get the word out, and get backlinks can be a daunting job.

One way is content publishing. This is the creation of articles that will contain links to your products. They can be product reviews, how-to's, or just essay type articles, but the purpose is to provide value to the article reader and at the same time you are providing links to make you some affiliate money. The most used methods are email lists and blogging, but another method, very similar to blogging is publishing content articles.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pick your Product Niche - David Bailey's Plan

Affiliate marketing plans that show you how to make money online are all over the internet. Niche products to write content, find new promotion channels, use the social networks, submit articles, and drive traffic to your promo pages range from the very good to the very bad. Unfortunately there are a lot more in the very bad category than there are very good ones.

As an affiliate marketer I live or die by my credibility, so I don't want to promote any of the "trash" programs that for only $97.00 or $67.00 or some other amount ending in 7, (soneone actually did studies on this), they promise to make you part of the internet millionaire's club making tens of thousands of dollars per week. You've seen these landing pages. So I was a little surprised when I stumbled on David Bailey's product page. It wasn't "glitzy" and his price was only $29.00! That got my interest. Not only that, but he seemed like a humble guy in his videos.

But, (probably just like you), I'm tired of spending my money on programs that turn out to be just a rehash of all the other online material. Been there, done that.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Affiliate Marketing Beginnings - Pick your Product Niche

Affiliate Marketing Beginnings - Pick your Product Niche

 As a new affiliate marketer you will need to pick products to promote. Your product choice will depend on the method you plan to use to promote your links. Different types of products will respond to different types of promotions. Let's look at the basic product categories and the promotion methodsmost generally suited to them. ps. Let's use AM as an abbreviation for affiliate marketing.
There are 4 basic affiliate product types: (but lots of sub-types)
  • Information - ebooks, reports, data, how-to's, etc.
  • Services - reporting, data tracking, auction listing, web hosting, etc.
  • Physical products - blenders, golf clubs, jewelry, etc.
  • Referral commissions - also known as per-click or impression commissions. like ebay or Amazon or Adsense

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